Office cladding

Why not consider cladding for your office space? Instead of the typical boxed in, white washed office space spice it up a little with some decorative pvc panels!

Style up your office

Ever walk into a typical office environment and just think they all look the same? White, grey, dull and depressing? Well how about you add your own personal touch and create a unique and stylish area to work in by using our PVC cladding panels!

With a great range to choose from you’ll find yourself brimming with ideas.

Decorate your partition wall or cubicle

Looking to liven up your office spaces for your employees? Or even your own home office? Look no further as our cladding is the perfect cost effective solution to set you apart from the rest, our cladding isn’t just for walls or ceilings, any area you work in such as a cubicle or walled off areas such as half partitions can be decorated with our cladding, much better than just painting white like the majority of office spaces.

Reception area

Set your space apart from the rest with a cladded reception area, for example using our cladding on the front of your receptionists desk creating a welcoming and aesthetically pleasing look for your guests when they arrive for meetings.

Ideal for heavy use areas

Creating a cost effective yet pleasing area for various office staff can be difficult, cladding is much cheaper than tiling, and will serve as the perfect easy to clean solution for areas that are used by many people day to day.

For example using our cladding around your kitchen area where a lot of people will be making coffees and preparing their lunches, sometimes they may neglect to tidy up after themselves or make a mess, not to worry with our cladding as any accidents are very easily cleaned up with warm soapy water making an end of day clean a doddle.

The same goes for your bathroom and toilet areas where our cladding would be perfectly suited for dealing with heavy use areas in terms of cleanliness and hygiene making your job easier and keeping your employees happy.