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    We have recently moved to a brand new warehouse at the Earlsway Trade Park, Team Valley Industrial Estate, Gateshead from our previous home that was at the Portobello Trade Park in Birtley.

    If you are looking for outlet prices on bathroom cladding around Team Valley, Gateshead you’re welcome to visit. We have outlet discounts, quantity discounts and trade account discounts available.

    Feel free to pop by for any help and advice or to see our wide range of cladding for bathrooms, kitchens and other commercial projects.

    Our address

    Cladding Store
    Unit 8 Earlsway Trade Park
    Team Valley Industrial Estate
    Tyne & Wear
    NE11 0RY

    Opening hours

    Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM
    Sat: 10AM-4PM
    Sun: 11AM-3PM